Thursday, July 9, 2009

Cambridge and a Birthday Party!!!

Ok, I am giving up again!!! Why is that the Internet decides not to work whenever I try and upload photos! Its a conspiracy I swear!!

Well yesterday I know that I was horrible and didnt post anything but we didnt get back till almost 9 and I was so tired that I just fell into bed and didnt get up for another hour and a half to change into my PJ's! Haha, oh well, yesterday was amazing and one of the best days by far.

Wednesday July 8, started promptly at 6:30 in the morning :(. I am still on kitchen crew so I had to make sure that I was completely reading to go before I could head down to the kitchens. After breakfast I made myself a sack lunch and then headed out to the bus. Kaitlin, Rebecca and I remembered the dangers of sitting in the back so we promptly sat in the front/middle of the bus. The bus ride was about an hour and a half to Cambridge and can I just say that Cambridge boys are beautiful... Anyway after we got there we sat down at a park bench ate lunch and decided on our plan of attack during which we talked to Professor Paxman and he told us to try and get in to Kings college chapel. So we decided to head over to the chapel to check it out. Good thing that we did to because they stopped admitting people at noon and it was 11:40ish when we got there. It was so amazing! The church has the most wonderful stain glass windows and is also the largest college chapel in England... or is it the world. I cant remember but it was amazing. There are areas where the wood have the initials of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn carved in them! It was so cool!

After the chapel Kaitlin headed off to meet a friend of hers that is attending Cambridge and we set off to find the bathroom for Rebecca. The only public bathrooms where at a place called Lions something, hmmm cant remember. Well anyway we walked around forever and couldn't find the bathrooms so we stopped and as a store owner where we could find them and we was like "oh, just go up and they are to the right" so we walk up and turned right! still no luck, well as we wondered around more we realized that he had been mistaken and should have said to the left! I found them finally and it was a good think to because I think Rebecca was about to have an accident, haha ;).

Well we headed back to Kings College to find Kaitlin and can I say that I have never been asked so many times if I wanted to go Punting. (punting is a river tour where you are in the long boats and they push you along with those long sticks.) Anyway I guess that is how like half of Cambridge makes their money, but it was so bad! Well we sat around for a while and waited for Kaitlin and see her walk out with a boy so we walk over to go get her. Can I just say that she failed to mention that this boy (David) was beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, down right sexy or whatever you want to say. Well he offered to take us around the city later after his class and so we excepted. So we headed down to the Fitzwilliam Museum to go see the Darwin exhibit there and all the art. Well the Darwin Exhibit ended up being totally lame but the art was amazing and I really enjoyed looking at it all. After the Museum we headed to the market place cause there was a mall right next to it and we wanted to see if we could find any clothes that were on sale. I guess that what I think of as 'on sale' is not what the British think of as 'on sale.' I was quite disturbed by how expensive everything was. I guess that it was a good thing though cause I didnt spend any money, haha!!!

After that we headed back to Kings college to collect David for our tour of Cambridge. First he took us to this book store called Heffers. It is the oldest bookstore in England and maybe even the oldest bookstore in the world! He then took around to look at some old Norman churches. These were not just any old churches but churches that reformists like Martin Luther had preached at! We even saw am old round church that dated back to before the Normans when the Vatican had sent missionaries to England's to convert the savages, muahaha!!!!

Anyway, moving on we then set off in search of dinner but some of us were not hungry and others couldnt decided on where to eat so we ended up at subway... so original, bahaha! We sat and talked and listened to Kaitlin and David argue/flirt. We then headed over to Kings college and David took us inside and showed us around. Did you know that you cant walk on the grass in Cambridge unless you are a professor. A professor stopped and told us that they like to walk across the grass just to tick the students off! I have decided that one day I will be a professor at Cambridge and will walk across the grass... what a dream to aspire to.

Now onto Thursday July 9 which of course is my birthday! One Year older and Wiser too!!! Well the day started very slowly, I got up and helped with breakfast and then promptly went back to bed for another hour and a half! It felt great not to have to go to class. Anyway I finally got up and came down to write on my blog about Cambridge but the Internet was not working and so I went back to bed and read for a while. I finally got up for real when Rebecca asked if we wanted to go to the Hard Rock Cafe and since I have never been I decided why not.

So Rebecca, Kaitlin, Danny, Dillon and myself headed for the Cafe at around 12:45. We got off the tube and headed in the direction that Danny said it was... seeing that he has been there before we figured he knew where he was going.... Nope. We definitely got lost for about an hour! At one point we went to walk across the street and we were in this area were there are these blinking yellow globes. If you walk across in there areas people driving have to stop no matter what or they can get in trouble. Anyway there was a military supply truck barrelling down the street where we were crossing and I definitely thought they were not going to stop and we were going to die. But at the last second the guy driving slammed on his breaks and stopped. I looked up at him and he and the other officer were laughing like never before. Apparently they thought it would be funny to scare the crap out of some Americans.

Later, we were trying to find a map when I noticed military officers walking by all dressed up with their wives, who by the way were wearing those ridiculously large hats that you see in the movies. I wanted to stop some of them and ask if I could take a picture but I decided not to be rude. Well we finally found a map and we looking at this and I say this huge memorial with Queen Victoria on it and this big building behind it. And I was like 'oh, thats cool, it kind of looks like Buckingham Palace'. So I went to take pictures while the others figured out where we were. Well in turned out that it was Buckingham palace and I am an idiot, bahaha!

Anyway, after some more adventuring we finally got to the Hard Rock cafe and ate lunch around 2:30. We somewhere along the way the boys told the waitress that it was my birthday. So when they came out with the ice cream I thought they would sing and that would be the end of it. Nope Wrong Again! They made me stand on my chair and they whole restaurant sang happy birthday to me!!!! I think I turned the color of a very ripe tomato because I was so embarrassed. Anyway it was so fun and the food was great! After that we headed back because I had kitchen duty. At dinner, I dont think that I have ever been so dismayed to have to eat more food because I was still full from dinner and not only that. They sang me happy birthday again and there was carrot cake, my favorite!!! I was so excited but I felt so sick afterward.

But that is the extent of my day and it was wonderful and besides doing laundry I havent done anything else besides fight with the Internet. Tomorrow is Brighton and I am off to the place to get husbands!!!

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